There are several sites that come up when you search getting boat registration numbers.  However, many of them charge you a fee to do so.

This is a direct link to Transport Canada's site.  You will not be asked to pay.  It is free of charge.

Upon completion, you will be issued your new registration numbers.  We stock a full assortment of universal registration stickers.

If you prefer to have a custom set made up for you, please email us.  We will require your assigned registration number, the font and colour of the decal material.  All custom decals are final sale.

In order to apply for a new Pleasure Craft Licence, the following supporting documentation is required:


    • A signed and dated copy of the proof of ownership (bill of sale from the seller or a signed and witnessed statutory declaration from any person authorized by law to administer oaths);
    • A signed copy of a valid piece of government-issued identification, which may be:
      • a provincial/territorial birth certificate;
      • a certificate of Canadian citizenship;
      • a Canadian passport; or
      • a provincial/territorial driver's licence.

Note: A provincial health card cannot be used as proof of identification.

Non-residents may use valid government-issued identification from their own country.

  • A current full side-view colour photograph of the pleasure craft.